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Amendment to the Schengen visa fee (effective from 11 June 2024)

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Please be informed that the EU Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 2024/1415 of 03/14/2024, which amended the art. 16 (par. 1, 2 and 2 bis) of Reg. (EC) 810/2029 (Community Visa Code), relating to the amounts of fees for Schengen visas, has been published.

The amended art. 16 provides an increase in visa fees (so-called visa perception) from 80 to 90 euros.

For applicants aged six years or more and under twelve, the fee goes from 40 to 45 euroswhile it will remain free for applicants aged between 0 and 6 (under six).

To read the full text of the regulation, click at this link.

The new amounts will be effective from 11 June 2024.